You would have to be blind, deaf and very very stupid not to notice. That’s obvious from the photos, the YouTube videos and the songs. The idea of Evelyn Evelyn is a wonderful story. I think it’s more like us all getting together to pretend that Santa Claus is real.
Just be honest for half a second, and then I’m okay with playing along, I promise I really hope I’m wrong, and that they’re real, and there’s an explanation for the photo and the recorded tracks.but at this point I feel like my parents are still trying really hard to tell me Santa is real, after I’ve found the costume and the fake beard. I’m a little offended by it, I was hoping this would be the outing of the joke. I have no problem with the alter-ego performers as an act, it’s a brilliant idea and I love the music, but I don’t get why it’s cute to be dishonest with your fans. It would be one thing if it was just a vague performance art, but the whole horrible sob story to go along with it, when it’s obviously Jason & Amanda singing on the MySpace tracks, and obviously them in the photo? I was looking forward to this being an honest explanation of how Amanda and Jason came up with the fun idea to create and perform as these charactersand ever since the photo of “the twins” in the Spin article, I’ve been really disappointed that it’s just.kind of an odd lie.